View Full Version : FLYERS!!!!

06-17-2005, 07:47 PM
hey gang,

Please download, print out, and hand out as many flyers as you can. the design isn't very fancy as you can see, but it will get the job done. :)



we will be adding the logos/names of our sponsors to the flyer very soon. when that happens i will just update these images and let everyone know with the thread title.


06-18-2005, 12:29 AM
why two 4th gens and no first gen? :evil:

06-18-2005, 02:08 PM
hehe, the only first gen we have is already on the club flyer. :)
don't worry, i plan to collect a lot of pictures so that we can develop some new flyers with all gens represented :)


06-30-2005, 01:42 PM
my motor will be back in and running next week, take pictures of my car!!!!!! mines got a nasty ass paint job hehe

07-14-2005, 08:50 AM
the motor is alive once again!!!!!! ill have to get you some nice shots, but its probably too late :evil:

07-14-2005, 11:08 AM
the motor is alive once again!!!!!! ill have to get you some nice shots, but its probably too late :evil:

Never too late for more pretty pictures!

- Justin

07-14-2005, 01:13 PM
I think adding the sponsor names to the flyers will go a long way towards giving credibility to an otherwise unknown event. You dont have to use a lot of flyer real estate to list the events and the sponsors for each one - just get permission to slap the company logos on the flyers and mention them as sponsors.

Members cars will tell the public who is basically invited to participate. But nowhere does it invite the public at large to come out and spectate, nor does it promote the credibiliy of the events by listing known companies as sponsors. If companies are willing to pay money / give out free stuff at an event, it must be a decent event. Oh yeah, and it should be labeled as family friendly.

Friendly criticism. Trying to help. :)

EDIT: Tim's first post on the subject was last month and yet for some reason I just noticed it. Sorry for the late suggestions. Great job so far guys!