View Full Version : So my car broke sunday.

08-23-2006, 02:22 PM
It was a timing issue from the start, breaking up and popping. now she wont even start. i changed the coil and module still nothing. Im going to check the magnet pickup under the rotor to see if it came loose. It may even be the gear on the dizzy cracked,broke or jumped a tooth... im leaving for school in a week and my dd needs a tranny so the TA will sit until thanksgiving at least.. i was glad i had a trailer today, although i started pulling parts from my pickup to try and get the car running..

08-23-2006, 02:49 PM
although i started pulling parts from my pickup to try and get the car running..

Now there is a good racer. Dismantle the tow vehicle to get the race car to function properly :D

- Justin