View Full Version : Central Meet Near the Shore???
02-28-2007, 03:25 PM
hey gang,
we are working on getting all the meets for the year sorted out and planend as far in advance as possible. the one struggle we keep coming across is finding a good place that is willing to work with us somewhere towards the shore.
we have plentyof good places in west-central, but it would be nice for the beach bums to have the short drive once in a while.
any suggestins?
our needs are pretty simple.
*secure parking lot
*prefer to be on a main road
*can seat a group of 30-50 together
*friendly for all ages
we have been mostly sticking to the family restaurant type places, most of which have some sort of bar in them.
if anyone has any ideas of places for us to go, please ge me the name, address, and contact info and i will follow up on it.
02-28-2007, 03:40 PM
What qualifies as "Central?" How about Forked River/Manahawkin that area?
02-28-2007, 03:52 PM
:werd: I know there are some nice places on the Manahawkin area (but havent been there since I lived there about 4 years ago) Also, I know there are is an Applebees in Wall that has a rather large parking lot, maybe try them
2007 Hwy. 35
Wall, NJ 07719
Its minutes from Belmar/Spring Lake.
02-28-2007, 03:55 PM
:werd: I know there are some nice places on the Manahawkin area (but havent been there since I lived there about 4 years ago)
Precisely why I was wondering if that area is OK. We have a shorehouse in Forked River so I'm near there all the time in the summer and know the area fairly well.
02-28-2007, 03:56 PM
Yeah, I dont know whats there at this point, but its an easy ride, and its like 10 mins from the beach.
02-28-2007, 04:02 PM
There's a bunch of good places there. Have you been to Sweet Jenny's? They have a fairly large parking lot, bunch of tables. They have cruise nights some friday's during the summer too. Great food, fair prices for the food, good service. Family atmosphere. I was thinking there but lots of other places are good around the area as well.
02-28-2007, 04:09 PM
sounds like you have some good ideas. get me that contact info and i will see whhihc places are interested in hosting us
02-28-2007, 04:25 PM
Isnt there a Friday's in Manahawkin...I think there is an Applebees right next to there too...There is a pretty good parking lot there too.
02-28-2007, 05:19 PM
Sweet Jenn'ys
107 S Main Street
Barnegat, NJ 08005
Phone: (609) 698-2228
Fax: (609) 698-7107
205 Rte 72 W, Manahawkin, NJ 08050-2813
Tel: (609) 978-0900
601 Washington Avenue
Manahawkin, NJ 08050
609 489 0950
609 489 0953 (FAX)
02-28-2007, 05:25 PM
Allaire State Park in Wall.
02-28-2007, 06:45 PM
Allaire State Park in Wall.
no bar, no food, but plenty of parking :mrgreen:
15 minuutes from my house though
02-28-2007, 08:45 PM
no bar, no food, but plenty of parking :mrgreen:
15 minutes from my house thoughI didn't see the restaurant part. :)
I was thinking summer & outside. I saw "friendly for all ages" and I thought about the train - my kids love it. They have a whole secluded side lot as you pull in too. We could BBQ. I'm not sure booze is allowed. But we could live w/o it. Might make a cool cruise spot one day.
*Mulligans in Wall/Farmingdale, right off 195 - I think it is on CR524. Behind Wall Stadium, kind of. I haven;t been there in many years though, I'd have to go scout it out.
*Maybe the Circus Drive-In in Wall - they used to have a weekly cruise night back in the day. No booze, great grease.
*Beacon Street in Neptune on 66 - they have lots of cruises there - one is listed on this site for 6/21.
*Chilis in Eatontown - Monmouth Mall. Seperate from the mall, s/b lots of parking - Right off the GSP/35/36
Too bad Kelly's in Neptune has no parking - the downstairs room would be perfect.
Hey Timmay, what time of the year? That could be a primary influence (traffic, availablility, etc.).
02-28-2007, 08:46 PM
if it's a saturday im' down
Z28 Heritage
02-28-2007, 09:33 PM
Beacon Street....Rt 66 Neptune....Near the Seaview Square Mall
Beacon St. Isnt bad.
I guess I could get together with Al and we could figure something out.
02-28-2007, 11:33 PM
We tried Becon years ago...they want too much crap for us to show up, and we have all this stuff...wouldnt be a fun meet.
unstable bob gable
03-01-2007, 12:03 AM
03-01-2007, 09:25 AM
Hmmm...I dont know where any of these places are except for Barnegat and
Manahawkin. They are off the Parkway.
03-01-2007, 10:32 AM
Hmmm...I dont know where any of these places are except for Barnegat and
Manahawkin. They are off the Parkway.
so find us someplace in AC.
03-01-2007, 10:38 AM
so find us someplace in AC.
They are going say it's not central
03-01-2007, 10:48 AM
AC's not central
03-01-2007, 11:17 AM
AC is an area that you can either deal with a place that is a complete dump or put up a fortune in deposit and then pay more if you don't get the 50 head minimum that any of hte good places require. maybe after my lottery investment package pays off, but for now AC is a complete no go.
these ideas are being looked at for april and october. the july meet is already taken care of, we will be at duke island park(jsut waiting for the permit to show up in the mail :) )
there are a few places in west-central that we cna get into no problem. jsut trying to spread it out more and include the beach bums in the fun for once :p
03-01-2007, 05:12 PM
*Total Beach Bum here* ;) I would never hold a meet in AC...unless I held it at my house. LOL. It's either ghetto or a casino down here. No parking.
Barnegat or Manahawkin sound good to me :)
03-02-2007, 10:18 AM
Alrighty, have a total change of place for you, which is still in central and there are a few reasons for this suggested change.
I think your absolute best bet which can fit as many cars as you can dream, and still have the food and places to dine and eat at is in Toms River.
If you are thinking Applebees, I say the Ocean County Mall on Hooper Ave.
The Address is
1201 Hooper Ave #1094
Toms River ( if you need their number to let them know we are bombing them, then it is 732-505-9090. )
You have the space of a Well lit parking lot ( the mall, duh ) and it is moments from route 37, and the Parkway. ( For all that are not familiar with it, this is exit 82 eastbound from the parkway, and then a left onto Hooper.) The reason for this change is rather interesting in my eyes. Route 37 is highly known for all the other cars to come out...Muscle/American well as Import. Rte 37 is a good place to just ride around ( pacing the road ) to see other cars, like a miniature car show. I think it would be a fun thing to bring our group to this part of Central Jersey because it is also moments from Seaside Heights, which has a little board walk, and a place to relax. Again, this is not a hard place to find, and you would have all the room and then some for as many F-Bodies that we can pull out of the woodwork and then some.
Just a place to think about and see if this sparks an interest. If you need more information about the locations ( or other places to eat...because there are quite a few ), drop me a message and I will tell ya more. That and if all else fails.. White Castle is up there too.. haha! :mrgreen:
- Problems -
03-02-2007, 10:21 AM
Ehh...Applebee's in the mall? The lot is always crowded, lots of cars, and either full of TR high schoolers or old people, neither of which can drive worth a damn.
There is a place that took over the Fuds on 37...maybe we could give that a try.
03-02-2007, 10:25 AM
We could probably do an Applebees/Friday's type place if we set the meet for early afternoon, rather than lunchtime. This way it won't be crowded and we could most likely all sit in the same section.
We have attempted meets at family chain places before, and they usually aren't willing to set aside seats for us (at least not without a guarantee of x amount of people and/or a deposit).
The park that Bonzo suggested would be a good idea, but I think weather is too unpredictable in April for that. Could be beautiful out, could be nasty.
- Justin
03-02-2007, 10:26 AM
There is a place that took over the Fuds on 37...maybe we could give that a try.
That place had loads of parking in the back, didn't it? I remember going there shortly after joining the NJFBody board.....
- Justin
03-02-2007, 10:26 AM
No, it is not in the mall. It is a stand alone Restaurant, that is linked to the mall parking lot, behind the place. That way there is a place to park the cars, and it is far enough away from the mall itself that no old people would dare get close to it and ding the doors. As I said, there are other places there too, but again, this is more or less a more wide open area to park.. as well as an attention getter by the other cars ( and I mean a lot of others ) to see the group, and get the word spread. If you live near there... swing by and you will understand where I am coming from. I can get pictures, if you wish... as I am going up there to hang out on 37 tomorrow evening/night.
- Problems -
03-02-2007, 10:32 AM
That's Friday's, next to Olive Garden. Applebee's is in IN the mall.
Friday's lot is small, and ususally packed as well.
I have been down 37 for 6 years...I know exactly what Im talking about.
The Old Fuds place does have a big lot in the back. We might have to send an rep down there to see what they can do for us.
03-02-2007, 10:35 AM
The Old Fuds place does have a big lot in the back. We might have to send an rep down there to see what they can do for us.
Well, what are you waiting for? Get down there :razz:
- Justin
Al, wheres the old Fudds?
We should do it at White Castle in Eatontown when they reopen.
Just off the parkway and 18. Decent Lot. Plus its white castle.
03-02-2007, 10:44 AM
Yeah, Mike(brother) and I went to Howell the other day....we couldnt fight the crave.
Anyway, its the place diagonal from Pep Boys. Its next to that Chrysler dealer.
03-02-2007, 12:09 PM
Manahawkin pretty convenient to Garden State Parkway (Exit 63). Traffic is awful down the Shore during Summer season. Best to meet before Memorial Day or after Labor Day.
03-02-2007, 12:48 PM
Manahawkin pretty convenient to Garden State Parkway (Exit 63). Traffic is awful down the Shore during Summer season. Best to meet before Memorial Day or after Labor Day.
Yea, as Tim said we are looking at possible places for our April and October meets. Shouldn't be too crowded at that time.....
- Justin
03-02-2007, 07:22 PM
let's meet at Bar A's
03-04-2007, 09:07 AM
-->back on topic-->
let's meet at Bar A's
I suggested that last year - they have a fall car show there now - but it is not family enough. Could be a good start point for a crusie. But so could a lot of parking lots in that area. Lots of schools, etc.
03-04-2007, 09:16 AM
let's meet at bar a's in belmar and fill up the parking lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know the Viper club has a meet every summer at sandyhook.
If you guys want a good place to start and then cruise to wherever, I think the Seaview Mall is good. Just down the street from Parkway and 18. We can group up there, and then cruise in numbers to wherever.
03-05-2007, 12:46 PM
Did anyone stop at the old Fudd's location to see about meeting there?
- Justin
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