View Full Version : May Meet - Sat 5/7 ALCC Car Show, South Dayton

04-04-2016, 09:28 AM
Brian aka Blackbirdws6 is quarterbacking the April meet and the Abundant Life Christian Church (ALCC) Car Show

When: Saturday, April 9th
Time:11:30AM to 4PM
2245 Route 130 South Dayton, New Jersey 08810

A small fee is mentioned in the description but no exact amount provided. Looks like 250+ folks signed up so could be a good showing. For those interested, the fee guarantees your spot in the car show to be judged and eligible for raffle drawings. Trophy drawing at 3PM.

Brian will be leaving from his house in Piscataway with a couple other cars, heading down 287 (from exit 7) and jumping on Rt 1 in Edison area. If there is interest, he will coordinate with folks who want to cruise together. Coming in together will help keep us grouped in the lot as well.

Who's in?
