View Full Version : Logo Design Contest!

08-02-2004, 09:13 PM
We are trying to come up with a logo for the site. At this time we are not allowed to use any GM copyrighted logo, so please try to keep them out of your design. The logo will be displayed at approximately 250 pixels wide x 100 pixels high, so test your designs at that size. Please submit your designs in .jpg or .gif format, and keep them to no more than two colors plus a background. The designs will be printed on either white or light gray t-shirts, so plan accordingly.

Please submit your original designs to me via e-mail.

The last day to submit designs is September 10, 2004. On September 18, 2004 we will post a poll in the Lounge with our choice of the five cleanest designs. Voting will end on Setember 24, 2004. The winner will be posted on September 25, 2004. The winner will receive a free t-shirt with his/her logo on it.

- Justin

08-10-2004, 11:51 AM
I will try to clean up the logo i have made and send it to you by email.


08-12-2004, 11:01 PM
I know you guys probably want actual submissions rather than ideas, but I can't find the picture I want, I can't draw, but I think it would look good if someone could actually come up with it.

Take a cartoonish looking F body, and then have it look as tho zooming by (again, cartoonish looking) with either the website or just the initials following the car, like the wind lines drawn in cartoons.

Ok, so does that make sense? Maybe in my mind it looks good, but prolly not to anyone else. Oh well, thought I'd put it out there and someone with talent could actually make it.

08-13-2004, 12:23 AM
I know you guys probably want actual submissions rather than ideas, but I can't find the picture I want, I can't draw, but I think it would look good if someone could actually come up with it.

Take a cartoonish looking F body, and then have it look as tho zooming by (again, cartoonish looking) with either the website or just the initials following the car, like the wind lines drawn in cartoons.

Ok, so does that make sense? Maybe in my mind it looks good, but prolly not to anyone else. Oh well, thought I'd put it out there and someone with talent could actually make it.

go to sleep my friend

08-14-2004, 03:51 PM
anyone out there workin on anythign for this? i hope so, cause justin and i are artistically declined :) haven't seen any submissions yet, lookin forward to seeign what everyone comes up with.


Slow Z
08-14-2004, 10:23 PM
I'm doin some stuff right now out of bordem... we'll see if I come up with anything decent 8)

250x100 is kinda small :cry:

08-15-2004, 08:07 PM
I'm doin some stuff right now out of bordem... we'll see if I come up with anything decent 8)

250x100 is kinda small :cry:

I'm sorry, I should have worded my initial post better.

You can make them much larger, as the winner will be used on our club t-shirts. What I meant was that was the size that was going to be displayed here on the forums, so make sure that the logo you design looks clear when reduced to that size.

- Justin

08-16-2004, 04:57 PM
I have a logo... i need someone to host the picture... its large but can be shrunk... its just the pic... someone else can add words/letters as they please.


AIM: GagneProtege

08-16-2004, 09:59 PM
if it is a picture of any gm vehicle copywrited logo we can not use it. we hav eto stick to eitehr words or symbols tha tdo not include anythign that is actually from gm. sorry.
as soon as i get teh final info from teh incorporation of the club as a not for profit i will be able to ask gm permission to use their logos and images without having to pay the $10k per fee.


08-16-2004, 11:26 PM
But you should have rights to post a picture of anyones vehicle from this site as long as there giving you permission to use there vehicle in the logo.

Thats what we do on Autorush

08-17-2004, 12:12 AM
Not Sure exactly what your looking for.. I just fooled around for a few minutes trying to keep the colors somewhat of what you have on the boards.

I would love to use pictures of cars but since your not aloud i wont

Heres my first try, Its 250 x 100

08-17-2004, 01:10 AM
variation on a theme. the colors could be changed.

**pic removed**

08-17-2004, 06:26 AM
But you should have rights to post a picture of anyones vehicle from this site as long as there giving you permission to use there vehicle in the logo.

Thats what we do on Autorush

the rules are sort of foggy about this. if we used a vehicle, even though privately owned, gm can still say that we are distributing their images or representations. apparently ford actually went after a club for doing this a few years ago.
i doubt gm will really have any problem with us, just playing it safe until we can get teh not for profit stuff finalized and get permission for use.


Slow Z
08-17-2004, 12:36 PM
GM couldnt do anything unless you used images owned by them. Lets say you went to their website took their pictures and then used them in some form of advertising - That could be a problem. But, taking pictures of someones privately owned car is nothing - it is THEIR car, not GM's.

As long as you arent making money or seriously bad mouthing GM while using their images (images they've taken and used) why would they care? You know lawyers that work for big corporations like them arent cheap. It'd cost them probably $5000 just to get a complaint started against someone and over what? a local-based "car club" of people who love their cars? it would never happen

Anyway, I was playing around and came up with this design. Something about the colors isn't quite right to me just yet but it'll give you an idea... I was aiming for a "timeless" non-fancy look. Consider this draft 1, afterawhile of looking at it it'll pop into my head what looks weird to me

**pic removed**

08-17-2004, 12:41 PM
**pic removed**

me likey ALOT-ALOT!!! maybe get rid of the camaro/firebird type and make the bowtie glow and bird dif colors?

Slow Z
08-17-2004, 12:44 PM
Yeah I think the colors are just wrong... I'll play with it some more until I get it right. The concept looks good in my opinion, just the color scheme is off

08-17-2004, 12:44 PM
i agree with chris. I see WAY To many sites that have the GM logos from THERE cars or others that they know OF the car from a friend.. They cant do anything. Seriously look at all the sites ppl have that have the chevy or pontiac symbols on them.. I wouldnt worry :)

I think we should just go all out PLUS if they have a problem with it. They would first email you letting you know you have to take it down. Thats all.


08-17-2004, 12:52 PM
I had this idea of taking the outline of the state and sticking one car from each generation behind the state. Since we have representation from each generation on this site... we vote to see whos car gets put behind the state. The cars would not show past the border of the state only inside. Hard to explain but if you follow it will look ****in rad.

We could stick "firebird" and "camaro" off to the two sides and 1967-2002 on top or w/e.

Let me know what yall think... i have the outline layer already to go i just need the cars to put inside. Would look badass IMO


08-17-2004, 04:11 PM
i like it slow z but definitly give us some different colors, but the concept works IMO

08-17-2004, 04:36 PM
that is really cool lookin man. definately something to keep an eye on.

i know the odds of anything comin down on the club are slim, but when it is my name/finances on the line and i am only doing this for fun it is not worth the risk.


08-17-2004, 05:10 PM
I had this idea of taking the outline of the state and sticking one car from each generation behind the state. Since we have representation from each generation on this site... we vote to see whos car gets put behind the state. The cars would not show past the border of the state only inside. Hard to explain but if you follow it will look ****in rad.

We could stick "firebird" and "camaro" off to the two sides and 1967-2002 on top or w/e.

Let me know what yall think... i have the outline layer already to go i just need the cars to put inside. Would look badass IMO


would prolly be way 2 detailed...a really good idea tho

08-17-2004, 10:57 PM
just foolin around with colors since i know u dont want to use logo's or pictures of the cars..


08-19-2004, 04:12 PM
**pic removed**

08-26-2004, 08:09 PM
hey gang,
i wanted to make sure everyone knew taht we are still taking submissions until sept 10th on this.
keep the ideas rolling in


08-27-2004, 10:28 AM
Hey guys,

Here is something i came up with. its only a ruff draft and will need to be fine tuned.

**both pics removed**


08-27-2004, 10:33 AM
Looks good Garrett, are you still going to add the NJFBOA text in the half circle around the bowtie?

- Justin

08-27-2004, 11:59 AM
Hence still needs to be fined tuned. I believe i have a copy of it with the text. Ill have to look on one of my computers for it. Other than that ill try to get it cleaned up this weekend, as i also have to do a mock up for my moms business.


08-27-2004, 12:17 PM
Ok, cool. E-mail the final product to me when you are done.

- Justin

08-27-2004, 11:56 PM
a little fine tuning and you could be onto something garret
keep it up

09-01-2004, 06:45 PM
only 9 more days to get them in gang.
if you have any ideas get them in soon so we can have everythign ready for the poll.


09-02-2004, 08:40 PM
**pic removed**

So far I like this one if it can be used.... :hitit: :cheers: :pimp: :lol: :wink: :werd:

Ok, I'll stop with the emoticons

09-03-2004, 11:44 AM
I really wish my computer wasnt a piece of **** at home and i could use my photoshop. This is a signature that was my first project in photoshop not to shabby.


Slow Z
09-03-2004, 01:23 PM
I'll work on some more (and much better) designs within the next few days... I gotta wait til I'm in that "artsy" mood. I can do 10000x better than the one I already posted.

09-03-2004, 01:28 PM
I'll work on some more (and much better) designs within the next few days... I gotta wait til I'm in that "artsy" mood. I can do 10000x better than the one I already posted.

Cool beans.....I'll be looking forward to seeing them in my mailbox :)

- Justin