My experience with monster clutches
im gonna try and make a long story short here.
My old monster clutch finally **** the bed(cracked the spring plate). So i started looking for another clutch, originally i was not going to go with monster cause of the price but after speaking with monster they gave me a large discount because of my old clutch failing. They gave me the discount despite the clutch being way past the warranty period, me being the second owner and i had no paper work. Obviously they had no obligation to give me any form of discount but they seem to stand by their work.
However it was the customer service which truly surprised me. When i initially ordered the clutch on the phone the sales associate made a comment that the clutch should be at my home by the following week. Turns out that their was an issue with the company who supplies flywheels and thusly my shipment was delayed. Unfortunately i absolutely needed to have my clutch by Saturday and monster did not receive the flywheels until Friday. I explained my situation to the owner and he decided to over night my sixty pound clutch at no additional cost to me. This cost monster $366.
I am thrilled with customer service at Monster. Especially because i am used to customer service at most places being a painful and usually fruitless endeavor. Its good to see a company being honorable these days.