Originally Posted by NJSPEEDER
if you aren't gonna come and show you shoudl still come an watch for a while. maybe bring lots of pics of that beautiful car to make everyone else jealous
personally, i don't think we are goinna see any rain, maybe a sprinkle or two, but nothing that will stop the fun.
I'm not into making anyone jealous or showing off, honestly. However, I just know (it's my luck man...usually it's bad) that it's gonna look great and the moment I hit the pavement...BOOM!
I'll give it a shot if not for the very least of showing up and then bolt early.
No promises, but I will try. Wait a minute....there's a go-go bar minutes from Island that if need be I could park and then cover Ms. Lucy until the potential storm passes. Hmmmmmmm.....maybe I will show up.