Stop the Presses! What & Why
We think the description says it all:
A place to celebrate any member who gets published in magazines, newspapers or major online sites, regardless of make/model. We are also going to post up any NJ Camaro or Firebird we come across. New threads need approval; this forum will be tightly moderated. ZERO NEGATIVITY
Any of our members that gets one of their cars in a publication, regardless of the type of vehicle, gets props here.
Also, any NJ owned Camaro or Firebird we see in magazines or major websites will get posted here too. Hopefully the owners will find us. And if not at least we can appreciate their cars. Expect to see cars from the past as we dive through piles of old magazines!
What does ZERO NEGATIVITY mean? It means if you got nothing good to say be quiet. If you don't like someone's car, great, keep it to yourself. This will be strictly moderated.
New threads have to be approved by a moderator, so you while you won't see it right away, we strongly encourage you to post a new thread if you find anything that meets the above criteria.
Vent Windows Forever!
The looser the waistband, the deeper the quicksand. Or so I have read.
Feather-light suspension, Konis just couldn't hold. I'm so glad I took a look inside your showroom doors.
Hey everybody, it's good to have you on the Baba-too-da-ba-too-ba-ba-buh-doo-ga-ga-bop-a-dop