ok, try this. First, un-hook the RCAs and the remote wire, then replace the fuse. Next, turn on the radio, but leave the amp remote wire and RCAs disconnected. Now check the fuse, it should still be, if not, theres a cut somewhere in the main power wire. If the fuse was still good, turn everythign off and reconnect the remote turn on wire at the amp. Now turn the radio on. check to see if the amp is on. If the fuse blows now, the problem is mopst likely in the amp itself, since its shorting out interanlly when trying to turn on. BUt if the fuse was still fine after that, now turn everythign off again and reconnect the RCAs. turn it back on. if it blows now, then there is somehing wrong with the rca wires and i would replace those. Thats the easiest way to try to go step by step to figure it out. My SS system did the exact thing and tunred out to be an internal amp issue.